Our Services
L’ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) è un sistema di numerazione certificato ISO per identificare, gestire e catalogare attraverso un codice identificativo unico, permanente e riconosciuto a livello internazionale, le opere cine‐audiovisive.
What is ISAN?
ISAN (pronounced eye-san) is a global numbering system for AudioVisual content certified ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) used as a unique, permanent and universal identifier by the industry to identify, manage and catalogue all kinds of audiovisual works with their related versions. ISAN ITALIA is the agency founded to carry out the ISAN system in Italy and the only Italian agency authorized to register audiovisual works.
All audiovisual works can be registered with ISAN: TV series, miniseries, TV Movies, feature films, documentaries, factual, commercials, music videos, etc.
How to obtain an ISAN?
Registration of an audiovisual work with ISAN has a cost of 25 Euros per work (episode or film). Registration procedure is extremely easy: fill in the online forms below and send them via email to: isan@apa-service.it
All information will be uploaded on the international database and in a short time you will receive the ISAN code in the correct format in order to place it on the audiovisual support.
For further information, contact the ISAN office from Monday to Friday 10:00 am-1:00 pm
or send an e-mail to: isan@apa-service.it
or Skype: tel. +35312549717, live:info_1071198