Immagine di coppertina per Private Copying Compensation 2012 – 2019

Private Copying

Private Copying Compensation 2012 – 2019

The distribution of Compensation of Private Copying for audiovisual works broadcasted from 2012 to 2019 is subject to the 2017 Regulation adopted by the General Council of APA and contains the rules for the distribution of the private copying compensation.
The Audiovisual Works that actually gave rise to the right to the payment of Private Copying Compensation is available in the Works List 2012-2019 section
In order to receive the Distribution in their favour of the allotted Private Copying Compensation to which they are entitled, the Rightsholders must send APA, a specific request by registered mail with return receipt to the following address : APA – Via Sabotino 2/A or by certified electronic mail (PEC) sent to The request must be accompanied by the documentation indicated in article 3.3 of the “Regulation for the distribution of private copying compensation”.
For any further information please contact the Association to the following addresses:

Call center: +39 063700265
