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Marco Follini


foto Marco Follini

Born in Rome on September 26, 1954, he served as a Member of Parliament from 1996 to 2006 and then became a Senator of the Republic starting in 2006. From 1977 to 1980, he was the secretary of the young Christian Democrats, and in 1980, he joined the national leadership of the Christian Democracy party. From 1986 to 1993, he served as a board member of Rai, the Italian national public broadcasting company.

In December 2002, he was elected as the secretary of the UDC (Union of Democrats for Europe), and in December 2004, he was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy. However, he resigned from this position in April 2005. In October of the same year, he resigned as the secretary of the UDC. In June 2007, he joined the Democratic Party (PD) and became a member of its Leadership and Coordination Committee.

From June 2014 to April 2017, he served as the President of APA (Association of Audiovisual Producers). From 2015 to 2020, he was the President of APA Service Srl, and he continues to hold the same position since June 2021.

He has authored several books, including:

  • “Il tarlo della politica” (Rusconi, 1988)
  • “L’arcipelago democristiano” (Laterza, 1990)
  • “La DC al bivio” (Laterza, 1992)
  • “C’era una volta la DC” (Il Mulino, 1994)
  • “La DC” (Il Mulino, 2000)
  • “Intervista sui moderati” with Paolo Franchi (Laterza, 2003)
  • “Uno contro tutti” with Carlo Puca (Marsilio, 2006)
  • “La volpe e il leone” (Sellerio, 2008)
  • “L’elogio della pazienza” (Mondadori, 2010)
  • “Io voto Shakespeare” (Marsilio, 2012)
  • “La nebbia del potere” (Marsilio, 2014)
