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Federico Scardamaglia

Federico Scardamaglia was born in 1974 in Rome, where he graduated in Law at “La Sapienza” University. He took part in the production of the television series Qualcuno da Amare, directed by Giuliana Gamba, with Veronica Pivetti and Robert Atzorn, and in 2001 in the miniseries La Memoria e il Perdono, directed by Giorgio Capitani with Virna Lisi, Jean Pierre Cassel and Anna Valley.
In 2001 he attended the Rai Screenwriting course, and the following year he earned a Master at Magic Emam (European Master in Audiovisual Management) in Rome. Together with his father Francesco, he produced two miniseries: Virginia, la Monaca di Monza, directed by Alberto Sironi, starring Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Stefano Dionisi and Toni Bertorelli, and La Caccia, directed by Massimo Spano, with Claudio Amendola and Alessio Boni.
He continues producing successful films, series and miniseries, such as: I Figli Strappati, freely based on the diaries of Fey Von Hassel, directed by Massimo Spano, starring Antonia Liskova, Daniele Pecci and Johannes Brandrup, story by Laura Toscano and Franco Marotta; and Pope John Paul I: The Smile of God, story by Francesco Scardamaglia and Massimo Cerofolini directed by Giorgio Capitani featuring Neri Marcorè, Josè Maria Blanco, Imma Colomer Marcet, Paolo Romano, Franco Interlenghi. In 2008 he produced Una Madre, based on a story by Laura Toscano and Franco Marotta directed by Massimo Spano, with Violante Placido, Enrico Lo Verso, Stefano Dionisi, Enzo Decaro; and Puccini, story by Francesco Scardamaglia and Nicola Lusuardi directed by Giorgio Capitani.
Further titles: Eroi per caso, script by Francesco Scardamaglia and Nicola Lusuardi directed by Alberto Sironi, Dove la trovi una come me?, screenwriters Francesco Scardamaglia, Alessandro Fabbri e Ludovica Rampoldi, directed by Giorgio Capitani, Paolo Borsellino – i 57 giorni, scripted by Francesco Scardamaglia directed by Alberto Negrin.
In 2012 he produced the miniseries Barabba, screenplay by Francesco Scardamaglia, Nicola Lusuardi and Salvatore Basile, directed by Roger Young; and, from 2013, the 3 seasons of the successful series starring Gigi Proietti, Una Pallottola nel cuore directed by Luca Manfredi, the last of which aired in 2018.
In 2015 he produced the miniseries Tango for freedom, screenplay by Francesco Scardamaglia, Nicola Lusuardi, Aberto Negrin, Andrea Porporati, Eleonora Cimpanelli, Antonio Manca, directed by Alberto Negrin. In 2016, he produced the TV movie In arte Nino, directed by Luca Manfredi, starring Elio Germano, who was also co-writer of the screenplay with Dido Castelli and Luca Manfredi.
In 2019 he produced the TV movie I ragazzi dello Zecchino d’oro directed by Ambrogio Lo Giudice.