Immagine di coppertina per APA Service

About us

APA Service

APA Service was founded in 2015 by APA. The company offers numerous services to producers in the audiovisual sector: from support in private copying to the organization of events, from providing the necessary tools for a more efficient management of intellectual rights to the use of funds or financing aimed at organizing professional training courses or promoting audiovisual products.

More specifically, the activity of APA Service is focused on:

  • the collection and distribution of private copying remuneration
  • the management and implementation of the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) system in Italy
  • the editorial and logistic coordination, and the economic and administrative organization of MIA – International Audiovisual Market
  • assisting companies in the sector requesting tax benefits and/or contributions granted by Regions/Local Authorities/European Union through the Audiovisual Desk

E-mail address for general communications APA Service:


foto Marco Follini

Marco Follini


foto Chiara Sbarigia

Chiara Sbarigia

Board Member

foto Giancarlo Leone

Giancarlo Leone

Board Member

foto Claudio Cappon

Claudio Cappon

Board Member

foto Fabiano Fabiani

Fabiano Fabiani

Board Member


photo Elisabetta Camillo

Elisabetta Camillo


photo Liliana Pistorio

Liliana Pistorio


photo Flavia Brustolin

Flavia Brustolin

